--- My Testimony Pt. 2 UP NOW

--- My Testimony Pt. 2 UP NOW

Come, enter through the narrow gate



Blog 5

“There’s a day coming, where I’ll get to meet my grandfather again, there’s a day when I’ll get to meet the creator of the universe, so I don’t care if I can’t marry a man, or if I can’t watch porn. Purity isn’t just for God, it’s for me. God wants me to not watch porn because it hurts me. He cares for me. That’s not even scratching the surface, nor will I ever begin to scratch the surface of the of the depth of His love for me. ”

Blog 6

“For anyone dealing with any type of issue with their sexuality, whether it be polygamy, homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality: I want you to know that we live in a world that looks down on anyone who pursues righteousness. I want you to know that there is no love, not even self love outside of God. I could have never gotten to a place of peace and tranquility in my life without Jesus. I don’t wake up every day and wonder what if I’ll be okay if I don’t find the love of my life. The God of the universe loves me and that is enough. For single, straight people, God’s love is enough. It makes me sad to see people basing their own worth on a relationship. You are not great because you have a girlfriend. You are not great because you are married. You are not great because you have 777 best friends. Jesus died for you, because He loves you. The God of the universe died so you could spend eternity with him. I want that to be crystal clear above all else. Above anything that you ever read or hear from me. Gay, straight, white, black, trans, tax-collector, pornstar, president, and everything else. God can, will, and wants to redeem you’re life, you just have to let Him. Understand that and know it well because the next words I type are sobering words, and they’ll sting. Also know that those things don’t define you. Let Jesus define you as “Son of God” and see how lonely you feel after. I guarantee you you’ll be pleasantly surprised.




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